Really old models might not have support for SSDs in their BIOS at all, but a laptop that elderly isn't going to be worth upgrading to start with. If it's just a few years old, it might be able to. The key thing is, you'll have to do some homework to see if your laptop can accept an SSD upgrade in the first place. "SSDs: Okay, where can I get one?" might be your first question. A blow hard enough to damage an SSD would do frightful damage to the laptop, in any case. SSDs are impervious to that kind of thing. But there's always danger to data if a drive gets jarred while it's operating. Hard drives incorporate accelerometers, drive-head-parking technology, and other precautionary technologies to protect the disks and armatures in the event you drop a laptop. It's also hard for hard drives to compete with flash memory in terms of knock-about durability. If you're using a platter drive, replacing it with almost any recent-vintage SSD should show a clear benefit when you're booting up, launching programs, opening large files, loading game levels, and performing many other everyday computing tasks. An SSD, though, can make an older machine feel snappy and fresh across the board. Some upgrades speed up a system only under certain circumstances, or with certain programs. 1.) An SSD upgrade is especially dramatic if the laptop relies on a platter-mechanism hard drive. (Even better: Combine that with option No. 3, using an SSD, is the single most effective update they can perform to an older machine. Many laptop users may be surprised to find that option No. In most cases, your options are limited to three: (1) Wipe the machine clean, and reinstall the operating system and your programs (2) add more RAM or (3) install a new hard drive or a solid-state drive (SSD).

Looking to upgrade your aging laptop? You can do only so much without a fabrication plant or a tech-savvy witch doctor at your service. How to Set Up Two-Factor Authentication.How to Record the Screen on Your Windows PC or Mac.How to Convert YouTube Videos to MP3 Files.How to Save Money on Your Cell Phone Bill.How to Free Up Space on Your iPhone or iPad.How to Block Robotexts and Spam Messages.