
Merida brave cast
Merida brave cast

Perhaps the only part of "Brave" that works is Merida and her momma bear's bonding out in nature. Mom changes all right - into a bear - and Merida knows that Fergus and the rest will assume that her mother is that other bear of legend. After some anachronistic comedy, Merida heads back to Castle Dunbroch with an enchanted cake offered to mom as an olive branch. After a nasty altercation with the Queen in which Merida cleaves a tapestry depicting them in two, the princess races off on Angus to the Standing Stones where will o’ the wisps lead her to the cottage of an old woman wood carver (of bears) who is obviously really a Witch (voice of Julie Walters, "Harry Potter's" Molly Weasley, design courtesy of "Snow White" and "Spirited Away"). When her three suitors attempt to win her hand at archery, the method she herself has picked, Merida enters the contest to 'win my own hand' and does. She exasperates her mother by putting her weapon on the table and fidgeting through attempts to teach her the finer arts, preferring to be off on her Clydesdale Angus shooting targets. We reconnect years later, as the young girl steals dad's thunder by finishing his oft told tale to her triplet brothers Harris, Hubert and Hamish. When Merida was just a wee wean, she was saved from a ferocious black bear by Fergus, who lost his leg to it. The film begins with a prologue which will reverberate throughout. It's stunning setting in the most beautiful country on earth and a terrific vocal cast are not to be blamed here as both do much to delight, but "Brave" has done something no other Pixar film has done before - it bored me. The film's even been marketed like "Tangled" with its made-to-appeal-boys title. In these writers' hands, Merida's 'feminist spirit' makes the character a rebellious brat and her prowess with a bow and arrow is a little late to the party (see "The Hunger Games's" Katniss Everdeen). It took a team of four writers to recycle 2nd tier Disney princesses and "Brother Bear?" Pixar has made much about their first female heroine, but they've treated her like a 2nd class citizen.

Merida brave cast